
9 Jan 2011

Canadian teen who died after her father slapped her had heart surgery when she was 3, father granted bail pending trial

Montreal Gazette - Canada October 25, 2010

Sidimé granted bail as he awaits trial

A 71-year-old Longueuil man whose 13-year-old daughter died after he slapped her on the face earlier this month has been granted bail pending his trial for aggravated assault.

Moussa Sidimé told a Longueuil detective Oct. 6 he had slapped Nouténé twice on the face and once on the backside after she muttered something to him when he complained she’d done a poor job of mopping up the kitchen floor and ordered her to do it again.

Sidimé then went to the living room of the 5 1/2 he and his wife share with three other children, only to find her minutes later lying on a pool of blood on the kitchen floor.

This is the way Sidimé described what happened to his daughter, Longueuil police Det.-Sgt. Jean-Francois Lapolice told a Quebec Court hearing Monday.

Nouténé, unconscious and bleeding from the mouth and nose, was rushed to Charles Lemoyne Hospital. Suffering from brain and lung hemorrhages, she was then transferred to Montreal Children’s Hospital, where she died three days later.

Pathologist André Bourgault has not been able to determine the exact cause of death and is awaiting results of various tissue and blood samples to complete his report, the court was told.

He found no signs of violence on her body.

Her mother, Jenny Kaba, testified Nouténé been operated on for heart surgery at age 3, and did not use drugs or alcohol.

She was among parade of relatives who described Sidimé as a calm, non-violent person and respectful person. None had ever seen him strike any of his children.

However, Kaba and her son Ali, 19, both said Sidimé had hit the children in the upper arm when he was trying to discipline them. His usual method for correction behaviour was to bar them from watching TV.

Judge Denis Bouchard disagreed with Crown prosecutor Julie Laborde that Sidimé should remain in custody because he was accused of a violent act.

Bourchard ordered Sidimé’s release, with a $2,000 cash deposit from his nephew and a $3,000 personal bond from a friend to ensure he will appear in court Jan. 25.

He is to turn in his passport, stay with his nephew, report to police once a week, and not be with minors unless another adult is present.

This article was found at:


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