
4 Nov 2010


The New York Post - August 9, 2009

Book review by Larry Getlen

Branch Davidian leader David Koresh once battled a rival to see which one could revive a corpse.

House of Yahweh leader Yisrayl Hawkins believed that sexually transmitted diseases contributed to global warming.

And the Reverend Sun Myung Moon claimed that Jesus, Buddah, Confucius, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and God -- among others -- held a meeting in heaven where they affirmed in writing that Moon was the father of all humanity.

"Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies" could just as easily have been titled "The Encyclopedia of Crazy."

Followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, for example, were engaged in "a feast of f***ing . . . not seen since the Roman bacchanalia."

The Family International openly employed their female members as "God's whores," having them pick up strange men in bars so they could proselytize to them after sex.

And the Kabbalah Centre -- famously patronized by Madonna -- was founded by a one-time insurance agent whose notable accomplishment was to "dumb down and mass produce" Kabbalah, eliminating the "deep study and mentally challenging meditations" that might take time away from plastic surgery appointments.

The book's subjects, many of whom have overlapping inspirations or behaviors (the book of Revelations figures heavily throughout, as do conspiratorial granddaddies the Freemasons and the Illuminati) are best summed up in a quote Goldwag includes from writer H.L. Mencken, who once said, "The central belief of every moron . . . is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy."

Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies

The Straight Scoop on Freemasons, The Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Black Helicopters, The New World Order, and Many, Many More

by Arthur Goldwag Vintage Books

This article was found at:


I appreciate that this reporter, in naming The Family International, rightly refers to one of their sexual doctrines practiced when the group was known as the Children of God. In other words, he makes the connection between the two names for the same group. For years after changing their name, the leaders of that cult tried in vain to deny that they were the same group. Now, instead of denying it, they try to claim that they have changed and no longer practice some of their harmful beliefs. While it may be true that they no longer engage in certain practices such as religious prostitution [I'm not convinced the practice has entirely stopped], they are still at the core the same deceitful, destructive religious group.

Recently I came across a question posted on Yahoo asking whatever happened to the Children of God since they had seemed to have just disappeared. It seems as if the cult strategies of changing names and tactics, going underground or fleeing countries when needed, using numerous front organizations to conceal their true identity, etc., worked to a point. Some people are fooled by those tactics, so let me say it again:

The Family International is the Children of God. The Children of God is The Family International.

You can find more article about this cult by using the search function on this site (using quotation marks will narrow your search) or by searching the labels Children of God, The Family International or Family Care Foundation.

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