
31 Oct 2010

Faith-healing deaths reported in The Oregonian from Nov. 1998 to Jan. 2009

The Oregonian - June 18, 2009

From The Oregonian of Sunday, Nov. 29, 1998 -- The battle over faith healing (1st of 3 parts): When prayer pre-empts medical care, prosecutors nationwide struggle to respect parents' freedoms while protecting children's lives

From The Oregonian of Monday, Nov. 30, 1998 -- One denomination lobbies tirelessly (2nd of 3 parts): Intensive efforts by the Christian Science Church sway the debate over laws to protect faith-healing parents

From The Oregonian of Tuesday, Dec. 1, 1998 -- An Oregon case shines a light on the issue (Part 3 of 3): A boy's death focuses attention on faith healing, but there's little consensus on what Oregon's laws mean -- and less agreement on what to do next

From The Oregonian of Friday, Jan. 22, 1999 -- Bill aims to lift all Oregon religious shields: The new law would, among other things, hold parents criminally liable for relying solely on prayer for healing children

From The Oregonian of Friday, July 23, 1999 -- Praying over ailing children won't be enough under bill: The Legislature sends to the governor a measure that eliminates most legal defenses for the practice

From The Oregonian of Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1999 -- Parents lose legal defense for using faith healing: Gov. John Kitzhaber signs a compromise bill that attempts to guarantee children the right to adequate medical care

From The Oregonian of Saturday, March 22, 2008 -- Child's death may put faith law to test: Oregon City parents could face charges for failing to seek medical help for an ill child

From The Oregonian of Sunday, March 30, 2008 -- Echoes of faith-healing deaths: Followers of Christ members bowed to the law, but a baby's death brings charges

From The Oregonian of Tuesday, April 1, 2008 -- Trial pits religious freedom vs. child welfare: Since 1999, state law does not protect parents such as Ava Worthington's, who tried to heal with prayer

From The Oregonian of Friday, April 18, 2008 -- Faith healers fight back: An Oregon City pair cite religious freedom and use the Internet to help them battle criminal charges

From The Oregonian of Thursday, June 19, 2008 -- Teen's death renews scrutiny of faith-healing group: Oregon law may protect Followers of Christ members

From The Oregonian of Friday, June 20, 2008 -- Boy's death stirs lawmakers: Oregon City case prompts legislators to give statutes on religious defenses a second look

From The Oregonian of Friday, Oct. 3, 2008 -- Faith-healing case in court: The parents of a teen who died after not receiving medical treatment face homicide charges

From The Oregonian of Friday, Jan. 9, 2009 -- Judge won't halt trial of faith healers: A defense lawyer's claim of religious freedom goes for naught

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