
15 Dec 2008

Spanish man claims his son has been kidnapped by Twelve Tribes cult - December 15, 2008

by h.b.

Iván Méndez says his son has been taken by his mother into the Doce Tribus cult which has a base in Nerja.

A Órgiva man, Iván Méndez, has told the La Opinión de Málaga newspaper that he has not seen his nine month old son Rafael for two months, since his mother joined a spiritual organisation, Los Doce Tribus.

The group is considered to be a sect by many and has hundreds of followers around the world, and runs a wholefood restaurant on the Balcón de Europa in Nerja. Iván says that his child has been taken to Asturias where the organization runs a farm.

Los Doce Tribus, the Twelve Tribes, do not watch television, listen to the radio or read newspapers. Their life is inspired on the old testament, work from dawn to dusk and educate their children at home. Iván says they practice corporal punishment on their children.

Iván has now contracted a lawyer and the Children’s Defender in Andalucía has opened an investigation.

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