
17 Jun 2007

In God's name

Sunday June 10, 2007

Reporter: Janet McIntyre, TVNZ

Producers: Lincoln Howes, Chris Cooke

It's the children you worry about most. So young, so innocent, so brainwashed. And so exploited, little slaves in a bizarre cult that's shut itself off from the outside world.

The absolute ruler there is an Australian called Neville Cooper. He preaches chastity and love, yet he's a sexual predator, jailed for abusing one of his followers.

He demands strict family values, yet he stands accused of molesting his own son. Enough you'd think to put Neville Cooper out of action for good.

Not on your life, he's back in business and making a small fortune. So unrepentant, he gave reporter Janet McIntyre a guided tour of his kingdom.

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